Karmapa Center of Education (KCE), a Buddhist model school founded by Thaye Dorje, H.H. the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa

New KCE magazine as PDF

KCE Magazine 2023_WEB.pdf (13,5 mb)


Education for a Changing World

Our educational strategy combines traditional Buddhist content usually taught in monasteries and modern education.

Our environment also supports this strategy. For, living together with a monastic community and teachers and volunteers from all over the world, children grow up in a culturally diverse environment and integrate it in a very natural way.

The curriculum can be illustrated through three pillars:

Buddhist Training

The first pillar forms the heart of the project: A Buddhist education aligned to the monastic system. Learning the Tibetan language forms the basis of understanding Buddhist scriptures; also the students take part in the daily pujas and learn the various rituals and musical instruments progressively over the years.

State-Approved Education

The second pillar describes the general education. KCE follows the curriculum of the Indian primary and secondary grades. Local and international teachers are working and teaching together.

Holistic Approach

The third pillar, the ‘Holistic Approach,’ integrates alternative teaching methods, and promotes students’ individual abilities and practical skills, that can be expressed in arts and crafts.

At the end of their schooling, our students will receive a recognized diploma. Additionally, they will have acquired various language skills, practical skills in several fields and traditional training and sound knowledge in different Buddhist subjects. This will offer them various opportunities.


They have the possibility to move on to further education, begin their working life or choose a monastic path.

If they decide on the monastic path, they can enter a Buddhist monastery or pursue their studies at a Monastic University (Shedra) after which they will gain the title of a Buddhist teacher (Acharya).

Our Offer in Brief

  • Boarding school for boys and girls from class 1 to class 12
  • Age-appropriate introduction into Buddhism
  • General education based on the Indian educational system
  • Western Teaching Methods focusing on the individual child
  • Languages: Tibetan, English, Nepali

Workshops in

  • Music/Traditional instruments
  • Craft/Art/Painting
  • Yoga/Sport
  • Nutrition/Healthcare
  • Agriculture/Gardening

“Part of my vision
is to help establish schools,
to serve the education
and literacy of children,
and support a new generation
in the monastic sangha.”

Thaye Dorje, H.H. the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa