Karmapa Center of Education (KCE), a Buddhist model school founded by Thaye Dorje, H.H. the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa

KCE Magazine

July 2, 2024

Welcome to the first edition of our KCE magazine

We received our first students at KCE in October 2017 and in January 2018 we started the first class with 20 boys and girls.

Our team also consists of a small community of monks who received their education in the monasteries and graduated from the Buddhist Academy in Kalimpong. They have very successfully implemented a Buddhist curriculum that works so well that our oldest students are now able to perform the daily Mahakala puja and other temple tasks on their own. Our dedicated teachers and childcare educators take care of the academic part and wellbeing of our students.

Now, in our 7th year of operation, we were ready to publish our first KCE Magazine. Our plan is that the students, over the next years, will get more and more involved in the making of this magazine. In this year’s edition our students have already contributed with various articles, where they give their perspective of the activities at KCE.

We hope you will enjoy reading the magazine, and we want to let you know that KCE is open for your visit. We have beautiful guestrooms with lots of facilities. Just get in touch with us if you wish to visit us.


KCE Magazine 2023_WEB.pdf (13,5 mb)