Karmapa Center of Education (KCE), a Buddhist model school founded by Thaye Dorje, H.H. the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa

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Three phases of KCE

The Education Centre is designed to preserve the legacy of the Buddhadharma for the present and future generations. We believe the benefit will be immeasurable, as it will help young people to connect with their inner qualities and cultivate the courage to express them.

The KCE will be developed in three phases, each committed to a different aspect of Buddhist education:

  • Primary education for boys and girls
  • Secondary education
  • A Village of Arts and Science

In order to reflect the vision in the buildings, the architectural design will be a blend of traditional Tibetan and modern style.

The First Phase – Primary Education

The grounds of the elementary boarding school extend over an area of 4 hectares and provides space for all facilities including a sports ground, land preserved for agricultural use and a natural zone with forest.

The primary level with its first buildings opened in November 2017. The next stage of construction – a rectangular-shaped building with a temple surrounding a large central courtyard, has already begun. >>See facilities

The Second Phase – Secondary Education

After completing the primary level, boys and girls will be taught in their own Karmapa Center of Education branch, starting from grade 7, all the way through to grade 12. After graduating the Higher Secondary, the students will be qualified to pursue higher education, including college or professional courses.

The Final Phase – The Village of Arts

Preserving and Revitalizing Ancient Knowledge

In ancient India and Tibet, ten important types of human knowledge were recognized. These were sometimes summarized in five categories:

  • Logic – a clear thinking practice to dispel doubt and clarify the link between mind and material
  • Medicine – maps and methods to link the wellbeing of body and mind
  • Speech – poetry and prose that links mathematical rhythm and sound
  • Fine Arts – thangka painting, statue sculpture, dancing, drama, metalwork, architecture and instrument design that links art with the sacred
  • Knowledge of Mind – inner balance and meditation, astrology that links inner and outer space

Encourage young people. If you see sparks in their eyes, that they wish to explore more, that they wish to see what it means to have the luxury of time to reflect on the practice of compassion and wisdom.

Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa

From among these fields, Karmapa’s vision is to particularly include the Karma Kagyu lineage knowledge in Fine Arts, Medicine and Astrology in KCE’s programme.

The Village of Arts will therefore invite artisans, artists, craftsmen and scientists who specialize in these areas from all around the globe. Under the guidance of masters and their apprentices, the Village of Art will offer various workshops in the different fields of knowledge.  These will be offered to international students as well as KCE students.

The central building of the village will become an institute that will house various workshops, classrooms and a large library. The institute will be surrounded by a collection of many smaller houses that will provide enough space for a community of artisans, artists, craftsmen and scientists.

“Over the years, you will see more and more of what is the true aim and intention of this place.”

Thaye Dorje,
H.H. the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa